I am not one to wait for the ‘Mountain’ to come to me! :::: by Derrick Douglass

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Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

I am not one to wait for the ‘Mountain’ to come to me!

by Derrick Douglass

July 11, 2010

Landing for a full-time job in today’s economic environment is challenging.  I guess you already know this.  Interestingly, if you have a job, you’re probably working like a slave.  We all have crosses to bare.

During my seven month job search, I have tried old tricks and a few new tricks to land a job.  Seems as though I’ve tried to all.  I’d do the hokey pokey if it’d help.  I’m not one to give up because opportunities come to those who take action.  Sitting on my hands is not an option.

In keeping with my philosophy, I’ve launched an new venture, People-2-People — A JobSeekers Meetup.  My MeetUp leverages the job seeking skills and knowledge of its members to help group members land a job.

I am confident that so long as I push the ‘job search’ envelope I will land a great position.  Also, I’ll have gained new skills that’ll help me rise above the rest.


Person-2-Person — Job Seekers MeetUp

Person-2-Person is a “group member” led MeetUp to help its members land employment positions in today’s tough employment

Our informal meetings will be filled with fun, information swapping, job search war stories, member led discussions, resume tips,
networking techniques and other useful job search techniques and strategies.

Today’s job market is tight. Information is power.     Since Person-2-Person is a member led club, active participation amongst our members
is critical to the clubs success.    Person-2-Person is for you if you are a professional or you are attempting to land your first professional


Person-2-Person — Job Seekers MeetUp (http://www.meetup.com/Person2Person/)

:::: I and I Alone Dream my Dreams :::: by Derrick Douglass

book, Derrick Douglass, productivity, Uncategorized
Derrick Douglass
Derrick Douglass

I and I Alone Dream my Dreams

by Derrick Douglass

July 06, 2010



It will always be very, very difficult to attain our dreams. It is the rule! We didn’t make the rule, but it is a reality we must confront to be successful. Along the way, you’ll meet folks who don’t share your vision, as well as, those who will.

Those who don’t share your vision are like wet mud. Holding you from your dreams. They spew negative venomous words at you and your dreams.

Then there are those who share your vision. The are angels watching over you. They are helpful and supportive. Guiding you toward your hopeful wonderful future.

Your dreams are yours and yours alone. Protect your precious dreams from naysayers like you would protect the money in your wallet. But remember, own your dreams and with reckless abandonment, hold onto to them.

Bring a Book – Personal Productivity 101 by Derrick Douglass

book, Derrick Douglass, productivity, Uncategorized

Bring a Book

By Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Quick Tip:

Does this happen to you?  You go to get your oil changed.  You think it should take 10 minutes – you hoped to be in and out.  The service person says the change will take 20 – 25 minutes.  You need your oil changed, but you you don’t want to wait.  What to you do?

I always bring a book with me where every I go.  If I have unexpected “downtime”, reading a book helps me feel as though I’m not wasting my time.

Learning “The Hard Way” by Derrick Douglass


Learning “The Hard Way”

By Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Today I attended a Weight Watchers meeting to lend support to a friend.  Their fluctuating weight has been in pain point their entire life.  My friend loves the company because Weight Watchers provides their members tools that can guarantee long-term success.

During the meeting, a member expressed regret that after reaching her goal weight, one or two old habits crept up on her, causing  her to regain a few pounds.  She said that, “I learned the hard way, the I must weight myself at least once a week.”

The tone of her voice expressed disappointment.  In her voice, “I heard I should have known better.”  “I should have been more diligent.” “I should not have gained the extra weight.”

Every experience gives use an amazing opportunity to learn and grow.  Naturally, learning not to place our hands on the stove by getting a blistering burn is not fun.  Unsurprisingly, our mistakes conjure up bad memories causing us to do our best to forget our mistakes.  My former pastor said, “You didn’t make any mistakes, you had a learning opportunity.”  It is our desire to forget the mistakes that cause us to miss wonderful opportunities.

We must train our brains to embrace our mistakes.  Dare I say it! We should be happy when we fail because it’ll help us learn and grow.  We have all made mistakes.  I have made a few mistakes developing projects for my website, Thrift Store Remix (www.thriftstoreremix.wordpress.com), and during my recent job search. Thankfully, my remixing skills have increased, the number of interviews I’ve received has increased and the probability that I will succeed in my endeavors improve because I learn from my failures.  I don’t beat myself up when I miss the mark.  I learn that went wrong and keep it moving!

I wish I could have spoken to my friend’s fellow Weight Watchers member.  I’d tell them you didn’t make any mistakes, you had a learning opportunity.



Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

“Derrick is the über marketing pro.  Once we implemented Derrick’s website strategy, customer usability spiked tremendously and his Google Analytics implementation immediately improved online results.”

:::: Eric Coker, Executive Director, Advanced Film

“Derrick is a very diligent and honest individual who is very motivated to succeed. He constantly seeks knowledge and demonstrates professionalism at all times.”

:::: Vaughn Mootoo, Procurement Analyst, Chevron Corporation

“Diligent, hard working, analytical, problem solver, fun loving, likable, enthusiastic, and trustworthy are only a few adjectives that describe Derrick Douglass. Derrick has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success.”

:::: LaKesha Wilson, President/CFO, LIGATT Security International